Discursive overdeterminations and representations in Partido de La Matanza communities: power to act, degree of empowerment and organization.


  • Augusto Romano Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, San Justo, Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Martín Bolaños Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, San Justo, Argentina.
  • María Laura Cortese Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, San Justo, Argentina.
  • María Luján La Fémina Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, San Justo, Argentina.
  • Verónica Beatríz López Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, San Justo, Argentina.
  • Hernán Ezequiel Pérez Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, San Justo, Argentina.
  • Carlos Félix Rivas Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, San Justo, Argentina. Universidad Abierta Interamericana.




organizations, psychological power, mental disorders, community health, community characteristics, isolation


This work synthesizes a research project that proposed an interdisciplinary approach of its complex object of study, namely: the community, its power and representation of itself. The task carried out in some communities of Partido de La Matanza consisted in detecting representations of their power for collective action and of themselves, in order to understand their impacts on health and problem solving.

The first stage of the research was qualitative and exploratory group interviews were used as tools whose purpose was to obtain variables. Once the qualitative stage was completed, the following variables were selected: organization, psycho-physical-social health, security regarding crimes and degree of community empowerment. Each one was measured based on indicators embodied in an instrument. In the quantitative stage, a survey with 18
questions was developed. In total there were 450 surveys. Survey takers and a statistical expert were hired to organize the results obtained.

In general, a low participation in community activities and meetings will be drawn. Of those attending the meetings (32%), 18% say that the community itself has the possibility of solving some problems that arise in the neighborhood. Based on considerable data, it was concluded that the general state of the communities reveals a certain vulnerability, that they do not perceive themselves as having sufficient potential for change, that the level of organization to face problems together is low.


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How to Cite

Romano, A., Bolaños , M. ., Cortese, M. L. ., La Fémina, M. L. ., López, V. B. ., Pérez, H. E., & Rivas , C. F. . (2023). Discursive overdeterminations and representations in Partido de La Matanza communities: power to act, degree of empowerment and organization. ReDSal, 2(2), 21–29. https://doi.org/10.54789/rs.v2i2.24

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