Elaboration and sensory acceptability of vinegar obtained from the waste of Blonde type beer
acetic acid, beer, sensory analysis, sustainable development, consumer behavior, food productionAbstract
Introduction: It is necessary to look for alternatives for the waste generated by the food industry. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recommends the production of vinegar from local agricultural sources, as it promotes human resources and local raw materials. Beer losses require prior treatment of the effluent with its consequent cost. The objective of this work was to elaborate vinegar giving value to Blonde type beer losses and measure the degree of sensory acceptability.
Material and methods: Vinegar was made with Blonde type beer (4.5% alcohol content) and 3 separate batches were made. A sensory acceptability test was carried out with 50 consumers.
Results: The results for the samples corresponding to the Blonde-type beer vinegar, for colour, smell, flavor, global acceptability, and consumption intention, were all above 8 points. For the commercial apple cider vinegar sample, the values were in the order of 6 points.
Conclusion: The results obtained denote that the acceptability and consumption intention of Blonde-type beer vinegar were favourable, so they are encouraging to continue working on this possibility of adding value to beer losses that result as waste in industrial production.
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