Pharmacoepidemiological research on the consumption of medicines in an adult population from La Matanza, Buenos Aires
Pharmacoepidemiology, Polypharmacy, self-medicationAbstract
Introduction: The World Health Organization has reported that more than 50% of medicines are prescribed or sold innapropiately around the world and that 50% of patients do not take their medicines correctly. The most common forms of innapropiate drug use include polypharmacy, incorrect use of antibiotics, self-medication, and non-adherence to treatment. The aim of this research was to determine the epidemiology of the consumption of prescribed and non-prescribed drugs.
Material and methods: Through a structured interview, information was obtained about the consumption of medicines in an adult population of Buenos Aires province. A total of 254 people who had been on drug treatment for at least 2 months were interviewed.
Results: The main chronic pathologies treated with drugs in the study sample were hypertension, hypothyroidism, diabetes, anxiety and depression. In relation to the type of medicines consumed, 30% of them were sold over the counter in the group of people over 50 years of age, and more than 72% of them were polymedicated. Adherence to treatment as indicated by the physician was 65%.
Conclusion: We consider that it is essential to carry out awareness campaigns on the use of medicines, the risk of self-medication and polypharmacy, with the aim of preventing the medicine misuse.
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